
My top 6 instagrams that bring the best memories


Hello all the lovely people reading this!

Hope you will enjoy this little post, I had so much fun creating it.  My brithday is coming up, so I thought it would be nice to have a bit of a reminisce. Most of those photographs were taken some time ago (2/3 years ago), so there you have been warned :)
Miałam dużo frajdy pisząc ten post, mam nadzieję, że równie miło będzie się go czytało. Zbliżają się moje urodziny,więc pomyślałam, że miło będzie trochę powspominać. A mówiąc "trochę" mam na myśli ostatnie 2-3 lata, bo z tego okresu pochodzą te zdjęcia :)
                   instagram @everydaybeauty

#1 (from the top left)
This is probably my favourite photograph of mine, which is a bit funny because it was takie in a rush. Me and my best friend were on a trip in Cornwall and were practically running up the hill to take a photograph because we were late.

This one features city I adore and love living in. That day with my friends we went for a hot chocolate and shopping, it was around Christmas Time  and I remember coming out of one of the stores and being amazed at how gorgeous everything looks covers in snow.

On a weekend bike ride with my parents. Taken with a really bad camera and probably you shouldn't point your lens right at the camera, still I really like it.

This one time I went on a morning run on the beach. Taken when we went to see my family, who live on the other side of the country than I do, which is not that great, but visiting them each summer is always amazing.

From a weekend get away. I am not the biggest fan of hiking, however the view was worth it, especially during the autumn with all of the amazing colours around. That was also the time when my brother borrowed me his DSRL camera and I realised I really enjoy taking photographs.

From my first ever trip to London. Also one of my first photographs on instagram.

If you would like to do the same thing on your blog, be sure to let me know, I'd love too see your top 6 instagrams/photographs!

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8 komentarze

  1. kooocham instagram, a te zdjęcia są nieeeesamowite <333 :)


    1. Dziękuję bardzo, ja jestem w 100% uzależniona od instagramu :)

  2. I love the first photo! Rushing must've really been worth it to capture that gorgeous view! :)
    And which city is that in number 2? It reminds me of a lovely town I stayed in a couple of years back.

    Reg of heyrocketgirl.com

    1. Thank you so much for a lovely comment dear <3 The town is Cracow :)

  3. beautiful pictures! my fave is the one with the hot air balloon -- frame worthy!

    cute & little

  4. Oh those are absolutely gorgeous pictures! Great post!


  5. These photos are great, I love the hot air balloon one

  6. they all look lovely, so many nice places!

    danielle | avec danielle


Thank you for each comment, they literary make my day! :)

+ do not forget to leave a link to your blog I'd love to check it out

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