
Ideas for a cozy winter day


Hi there! This post is for you guys who have been feeling a bit under the weather lately or are just tired of the cold weather. Here are some inspirations on what to do when it's freezing, days are cold and short:
1. I know that right now it is probably really cold and all you want to do is go home to dig yourself up under a blanket, but a nice idea would be to stop on your way home and buy yourself a hot cup of coffe/chocolatte. I always gets my mood all better and of course makes me worm and cozy inside :)
 2.How snug does this look? Me and my friends are planning on doing the similar thing and making ourselves a small christmas movie marathon party. Can't wait!
 3.Fell like this doesn't need a caption, but laying in bed with a hot drink and a good book sounds like perfection! Wish I could do that every day.
 4.Take a walk. I love having winter walks with my camera. For that ocatsion I usually put like 3 sweters underneeth my coat and 2 layer of legwarmers. As loong as I am not really cold I love winter walks.
5. Make christmas cookies or just simply cook dinner. For christmas I love making white chocolate nutella truffles, they are a perfect for winter treat.
 6.Treat yourself with a homade hot cocolate of peppermint coffe.
7.Watch a christmas/winter themed movie. I don't know why I choose a Howart's photograph for that one, but it just look so beautiful.
8.Go ice skating with friends. I guarentee the amount of laugh you will have will make up for feeling cold!

I do not own the photographs. All of them you can find on my tumblr with the source.

That's just what I like to do during the wintertime
Hope some of those ideas were helpful :)
Have a great Tuesday!

xoxo Zuza
 P.S. I have lots of Christmas themed posts coming for You, so please look out for those!

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1 komentarze

  1. Ooo, I like all the suggestions - especially baking cookies (and eating them :))!


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