
A kimono & A Ramble


Hello all the lovely people reading this!

I am sorry for not posting fot such a long time, I had so many posts prepared for this last week, but since the first days of school were pretty hectic, I did not have the time for much anything. I am still planning to publish some of those delayed posts, so please bear with me on this one. Anyways, my last weekend was pretty boring, full of working, therefore I just cannot wait for the next one (there may or may not be a bonfire as well as a sleepover with my bestie happening and a visit to the opera!).Even the load of work that waits for me after the weekend cannot spoil my good mood. 


Wearing: jeans + kimono - mulaya, top - h&m, necklace - primark, sandals - deichmann
Photography credits: Justyna Chrobakiewicz

I wish you all a lovely second part of the week?
What are your weekend plans? 
xo Susan

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3 komentarze

  1. Lovely outfit! I love the waterfall style of your kimono :) xx

  2. genialny post ♥
    poklikasz u mnie w nowym wpisie? :)



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