
#100happydays (Days 1-8)


Hello all the lovely people reading this!
I decided to particpiate in the 100 Happy Days project. If you don't know what it is - you to take 1 photograph daily of the thing that makes you happy and then share it on the internet. I decided to showcase my photographs here. Enjoy :)

DAY 1: Sunday things
DAY 2: Studying English & mint tea
DAY 3: Bday lunch with a friend
DAY 4: Beautiful city in the rain

DAY 5: Listening to music
DAY 6: Museum night with my friends
DAY 7: Watching Divergent (I loved the movie, for me it was even better than the book)
DAY 8: Georgeous sunset

Unfortunately those photographs were taken a while ago, since the last 2 weeks I spend at home studying for a very imoprtant English exam. I decided to take a break from taking photographs each day, because I was horribly off shedule that time. But now I am back and I promise the next post will consist of recent pics!  P.S. yeah, I know 8 days and I already broke the rules of the project :(

Have a lovely begining of the holidays!
xo Susan

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