
My skincare routine(for normal to dry skin)


Hello all the lovely people reading this!

I am no skincare expert. However, for a few years now I have been deeling with skincare problems. I do not have an ace prone skin, but I do suffer from freaquent break-outs. Suming up, my complexion is far from being perfect. Only recently, have I found a skincare routine that works for me. 

Nie jestem żadnym ekspertem jeżeli chodzi o cerę. Jednak od kilku lat mam problemy z moją skórą. Nie mam trądziku, jednak moja cera daleka jest od ideału. Dopiero niedawno odkryłam kosmetyki, które lubię stosować.

REMEMBER: Most important thing in skincare is knowing your skintype and finding a routine that works for you(and if some cosmetics don't find out which and why and stop using tem). Also controll the condition of your skin and react as soon as you notice bad changes (ex redness, spots etc)

WAŻNE: Jeżeli chodzi o skórę najważniejsze jest poznania typu waszej cery oraz znalezienie odpowiednich dla niej kosmetyków i regularne ich stosowanie. Kontrolujcie zmiany zachodzące na waszej skórze i od razu reagujcie, jeżeli zauważycie coś

Products that I use ocassionally: Dermika face peeling (one a week). NOTE: especially if you have acne prone skin over exfoilating isn't very good. Neutrogena visibly clear cleanser( I use it as a mask, whenever I am deling with bad break-outs).
Produkty, których używam od czasu do czasu: Pelling do twarzy Dermika (1 raz w tyg). Żel do twarzy Neutrogena visibly clear( używam go jako maski, kiedy mam na twarzy dużo zaczerwienień).

OVERALL: My skincare staples are definetely the Neutrogena cleansers & Nivea moistureizer
PODSUMOWANIE: Kosmetykami godnymi polecenia są na pewno żele do twarzy Neutrogena i krem nawilżający Nivea 

I wish you a great day!
xo Susan

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10 komentarze

  1. hi i just nominated you for a Liebster award. i hope you don't mind


  2. Great post, I need to update my skincare regime will definitely be checking out your recommendations! :)

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog

  3. You've mentioned great affordable products, I love Nivea and Garnier! Thanks ;)

    Lazy Obsession

  4. Neutrogena does some great stuff!
    Really enjoyed this post -- gave me some ideas about approaching skincare since my skin is similar to yours, at least the way you described it.
    Thank you for visiting on my blog and leaving the sweetest comment! I truly appreciate it :)


  5. I've been having dry skin over the past few months so I'll definitely be checking some of these products out :) Neutrogena hasn't been kind to my skin in the past, but that Avene thermal spray is on my to buy list!


    1. Thank you for your comment! I am obsessed with this thermal spray :)


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