
Friday Adventures


Hello all the lovely people reading this!
Since it is Monday I decided to reminisce a bit about the past weekend. Which is probably an ususual way of thinking and probably some of you may be slightly confused after reading the title, because let's face it - Monday is the time you should focus on a new week ahead of you. However, with only one week of school left untill winter break, I cannot really focus on anything. I won't be home for 2 weeks, though I am trying to write my blog posts in advance.

Zdaje sobie sprawę, że tytuł dzisiejszego wpisu może być bardzo mylący. To rzeczywiście dość nietypowy temat jak na poniedziałkowy post. Jednak tylko tydzień dzieli mnie of ferii i szczerze mówiąc nie potrafię już myśleć o niczym innym. Nie będzie dziś na blogu również tradycyjnego postu modowego, z prostego powodu - na dworze było tak zimno, że robienie jakichkolwiek zdjęć (nie mówię już o zdjęciach bez kurtki), byłoby czystym samobójstwem. Mimo wszystko mam nadzieję, że spodoba Wam się ta forma wpisu :)

 Discovering a new cafe.
 Which had very nice chandeliers (obvsly :))
 Some serious yummyness #guiltypleasure
 turtleneck - Zara, necklace - H&M
An usual fashion post won't be going up this time, simply because it was way too cold outside for taking outfit photographs :)
Quick walk around the city, trying to escape the cold.
Chilling in my room, watching some youtube aka an somewhat artistic shot of my chanelier reflecting in my laptop screen (I also call this picture "too lazy to get up and take a photograph" :))

I hope your week is going to be wonderfull!
xo Susan

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6 komentarze

  1. Discovering new cafes has got to be one of the nicest things, and this particular cafe looks amazing :)

    Rae | love from berlin

  2. Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog, Susan!
    Really love you lazy/artistic shot, haha ;)
    Seems like you had a lovely weekend.


  3. Ale fajny golf! I super w nim wyglądasz :D

    xx, Marta / martberry.blogspot.com

  4. Love that necklace! Let me know if you want to follow each other!


  5. Hi Zuza and thank you for your visit. It seems a really beautiful bar! I like very much your necklace! Today I have started following you on Instagram. Hope you follow me back. What do you think to follow us also on Bloglovin or other socials? Let me know....Have a nice day, kisses,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook


Thank you for each comment, they literary make my day! :)

+ do not forget to leave a link to your blog I'd love to check it out

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